June 28 to July 29, 2012
Youth inSights is a seven-month after-school art program conceived to engage teens who may be considering a career in the arts in. Through a series of workshops, gallery projects, and opportunities to work with local emerging and established artists, teens get an up-close and personal look at what it is like to work as an artist and to work in the arts and culture sector. Youth inSights integrates student into the gallery setting by working on specific projects, and to teach them practical skills they can transfer to a University or employment setting.
The art in this exhibition is a culmination of the projects completed with working with five local artists. In November, the youth began with a drawing class with Jim Kalnin. Students used a variety of drawing materials, and used objects and photographs as reference material. Their focus was on looking at positive and negative space, and creating thumbnail drawings. Following this, students moved into a mixed media approach with Wanda Lock. Using the printing press, they created monoprints using oil paint, and then created larger collages using text, paint, and collaged imagery. Life drawing with Tia Maria Holler took place in December. For many of the students this was their first time drawing from a model. Through a series of short and long poses, students developed their observational skills, and gained an in-depth look at the proportions of the human body. Kendra Dixon held a watercolour class, in which she taught the students the basics of watercolour painting and gave them a variety of techniques for dealing with the landscape. The program finished with acrylic painting with Rena Warren. Students learned about colour mixing and the various ways that paints are made. Their sessions consisted of painting a number of still-life images, and finished with a large painting on canvas.
This is the third year the Kelowna Art Gallery has offered Youth inSights, and it has been rewarding to see the dedication of these students to the seven-month program, and to see many of them continue on to art school. All of these students are to be commended for their efforts.
Exhibition images coming soon!