January 19 to April 14, 2019

Jane Stelkia, Three Horses, date unknown, gouache on paper. Collection of the Royal BC Museum, #15855.
Our Lives Through Our Eyes: Nk’Mip Children’s Art brings together over 75 works of art created by children and youth who attended the Inkameep Day School during the era of World War II. Under the tutelage of Mr. Anthony Walsh the school, which was located on the Osoyoos Indian Band reserve, became nationally and internationally renowned for its students’ production of art and drama based on their Okanagan identity and history. The exhibition features graphite drawings as well as paintings on paper and hide. Today the Inkameep Day School artworks are valued points of departure for contemporary Nk’Mip arts, culture, and education.
This exhibition is presented in two parts, at both the Kelowna Art Gallery and the Okanagan Heritage Museum.
Organized collaboratively by the Kelowna Art Gallery and the Kelowna Museums Society, with assistance from the Osoyoos Museum Society and the Osoyoos Indian Band. Guest Curated by Dr. Andrea Walsh, Professor of Anthropology, at the University of Victoria.
Generously supported by Fortis BC, Central Okanagan Public Schools, and the Province of British Columbia. Works on loan from the Osoyoos Museum Society, Royal British Columbia Museum, artist Taylor Baptiste, and Colleen and Richard Baptiste.
Update January 2020: Read the BCMA Round Up magazine article about the partnerships, process and engagement for the exhibition, Our Lives Through Our Eyes: Nk’Mip Children’s Art.
Click to read/download the full article PDF
Opening Reception
Saturday, January 19, 2019
1:00 to 3:00 PM
at the Kelowna Art Gallery and the Okanagan Heritage Museum
The celebration will begin at the Kelowna Art Gallery (1315 Water St) at 1:00 PM, before moving to the Okanagan Heritage Museum (470 Queensway Ave) at 2:00 PM. A transportation shuttle will be available.
This is a free event, and is open to members and guests by invitation.
Related Tours and Workshops
Free Guided Tours – Saturdays, at 1 pm
Tours will begin at the Kelowna Art Gallery. Visitors will then be guided over to the Okanagan Heritage Museum to experience the other half of the exhibition.
Living the Seasons – syilx (Okanagan) Calendar
Saturday, February 2, 10 am to 12 pm, at the Kelowna Art Gallery
Cost: $5 | Space is limited
Click here for more information and to register.
Everything you wanted to know about Indians but were afraid to ask
Saturday, March 2, 10 am to 12 pm, at the Okanagan Heritage Museum
Cost: $5 | Space is limited
Click here for more information and to register.
Our Shared History – Talking Circle
Saturday, March 16, 10 am to 12 pm, at the Okanagan Heritage Museum
Cost: $5 | Space is limited
Click here for more information and to register.
Fire and Water – syilx (Okanagan) Relationship with the Land
Saturday, April 13, 10 am to 12 pm, at the Kelowna Art Gallery
Cost: $5 | Space is limited
Click here for more information and to register.
Inkameep Day School, 1942. Mr. Walsh with his students. Edward, Jane, Harry, Caroline, Liza, Tillie, Alice, Jim S, Noel, Bobby, Raymond. Courtesy of the Osoyoos Museum, #0111.