The Kelowna Art Gallery is pleased to collaborate with local writers who have documented their experiences at the Gallery.
In 2011, we invited local freelance writer Lori-Anne Poirier, of The Pear Tree, to take a six-week art class of her choice and chronicle her experience. Click here to read the series articles entitled Channeling the Painter Within, as Poirier shares her experiences as a student of art at the Kelowna Art Gallery.
For 2012, follow the artistic journey of Jennifer Smith, as she documents her experiences while studying Drawing for the Absolute Beginner in Draw the Line. Smith is currently a reporter, writer and columnist for the Kelowna Capital News. She has worked as a freelance reporter in publications throughout BC for a decade and loves covering arts, culture and quirky tales from all facets of life.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep informed of other upcoming articles by invited writers!