April 7 to May 27, 2012
Although artist Melanie Daniel was born and grew up in BC, she has lived and worked in Israel since 1995. This is her first solo show in Kelowna since 2003. Although she is known primarily for her painting, Daniel chose to install video works for this show that deal directly with the underground illegal drug culture in Kelowna. The main piece is a nine-minute-long video called Jerome that focuses on a young man who is under house arrest for participating in a marijuana grow-op. The other video component is footage of the demolition of a local condemned crack house. Hopefully Daniel’s work will provoke thought and discussion about this hard-hitting aspect of life in what seems on the surface to be such a beautiful and peaceful mid-sized Canadian city.
Watch a preview clip from the film Jerome, by Melanie Daniel.
Video © 2007 Melanie Daniel, used with permission by the artist.