Rise/Fall: Works from the Permanent Collection

October 5, 2024 to January 26, 2025

Rise/Fall explores the interplay of the human body and the landscape, drawing from works from the Kelowna Art Gallery’s Permanent Collection. This exhibition highlights the ongoing dialogue between people and their environments, demonstrating how artistic approaches have evolved while maintaining this fundamental connection. Rise/Fall invites visitors to think critically about how the land shapes, and is shaped by human presence and activity.

Incorporating sculpture, installation, video, fibre arts, painting, drawing, photography, and printmaking, Rise/Fall features the work of prominent Canadian artists such as A. Y. Jackson, Daphne Odjig, Gordon Smith, and Susan Point. This exhibition also celebrates the work of internationally recognized contemporary artists from British Columbia, such as Christos Dikeakos, Germaine Koh, Ho Tam, and Samuel Roy-Bois. From meticulous renderings of the human figure to expansive portrayals of the British Columbia landscape and beyond, this exhibition prompts an examination of the ways in which our bodies and the landscapes we inhabit mutually inform and reflect one another.


Presented with support from:


The Art Lab

Portrait Wall | Help us to fill our giant picture frame with as many portraits created by visitors as possible!

This project is inspired by the portrait wall in Rise/Fall: Works from the Permanent Collection. You’ll find the big gold picture frame, along with all of the supplies and instructions you need to get started, in The Art Lab. If you need further inspiration, be sure to explore the many different portraits in a variety of mediums in the exhibition.




Rise/Fall Exhibition video with Co-Curators Christine May and Clea Haugo


Nataley Nagy on the Kelowna Art Gallery’s Permanent Collection


Permanent Collection

Our Permanent Collection houses nearly 1,000 works of art, which can be seen through periodic exhibitions, such as Rise/Fall, that draw work from the collection.

Below are just some of the images you will see in Rise/Fall.

John Hartman, Layer Cake Mountain, Kelowna, B.C., 2000, pastel on paper (triptych), 42 x 90 in. Collection of the Kelowna Art Gallery. Gift of the artist, 2012.


Tony Scherman, Gillian [Anderson], 2001, oil and encaustic on paper. Collection of the Kelowna Art Gallery. Gift of the artist, 2007.


Susan Point, Bridging Time, 2002, Screenprint on paper. Collection of the Kelowna Art Gallery. Gift of Edward A. Studzinski, 2023.



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