Guest curated by Tania Willard
April 2 to July 3, 2016
For our 2016 One on One exhibition we are pleased to be working with BC-based independent curator Tania Willard. Willard recently completed a two-year Aboriginal curatorial residency at the Kamloops Art Gallery. She has selected emerging artist Krista Belle Stewart, formerly based in Vancouver, and currently living and working in New York. Stewart is originally from the Douglas Lake area of the BC interior.
Stewart has six pieces in her solo exhibition: a tapestry, a brand new video piece, which will premiere at the Kelowna Art Gallery, an untitled work that features soil in a bucket from Stewart’s ancestral land, a piece called Indian Artists at Work (2015), which is a colourful wall installation, and a work making reference to the American artist Leon Polk Smith.
A PDF with more installation images, curatorial essay and selected biographies is available to view. [<<<Click Here]
Opening Reception
Friday, Friday, April 1, 7 to 9 pm
This is a free event, open to members and guests by invitation.