Julie Oakes
Satellite Space at the Kelowna International Airport
February 19 to August 13, 2018
Awestruck, Calendar of Ecology is based on calendar constructs and set in the future, as if a display in a museum that is documenting life on earth as it once was in a more perfect environment. Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter reconnect with primal themes of the land, animals, and the elements. Self-consciousness in their demeanour, the animal subjects are given the reverence of saints—fur perfect and eyes bejewelled. They seem to reflect an ideal of nature rather than the real, messy and unpredictable “otherness” of the animal kingdom.
Julie Oakes received a Masters in Visual Arts, NYU, and a Masters in Social and Political Science, New School for Social Research, in New York. After living in Toronto, Oakes, with Richard Fogarty, moved back to Vernon where they designed and built Headbones Gallery and her studio.