Arts Discovery Form

To book your Arts Discovery tours please complete the form below and click the SEND button at the end. Once the tour has been booked, you will be sent a final confirmation letter. We will get back to you in the order in which requests have been received. You may book more than one tour, however you must do it one at a time. After your first booking has been successfully sent, click the New Form link.

The following is the list of classes being offered at the Rotary Centre for the Arts:

Mondays: Kung Fu – A no-contact session with Great Way Martial Arts. The focus will be on both self-confidence and self-respect.
Tuesdays: Kung Fu – The same as Monday
Wednesdays: Eco-drama – Students will be working outside and using movement and sound to bring together drama, science, and nature.
Thursdays: Dance
Fridays: Drama

The Arts Discovery tours can be booked at any time during the year. Please book your tour through the Kelowna Art Gallery.

Cost for Rotary Centre for the Arts classes: $2 per student.

CLICK HERE for a New Form

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